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I truly cannot wait to walk with you on the path to deeper connection. If you are ever unsure which session is right for you, feel free to fill out a form on my contact page and we can figure it out together!



Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Ceremony brings the sacred into the present moment. We come together in sacred space for a time of reverence, gratitude, and deep connection. Ceremony is a moment in time where the veil between the physical and the spiritual realm is lifted, and we are invited to connect with the Divine in a moment of unity. Cacao is a sacred heart opening plant medicine (non-psychoactive) that allows us to connect deeply with the earth, our community, and the Divine. Group ceremonies are typically held in nature whenever possible and include a ceremonial serving of cacao, guided meditation, music, and time for intention setting/journaling

Upcoming Ceremonies

  • Venue: Banks of the Watauga River

    When: August 19th, 4pm-7pm

    What to bring: Notebook, writing utensil, water bottle, yoga mat/blankets & comfort items.